Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Earring Earrings Earrings

Have just loaded over 20 pairs of earrings to my Ebay store I'm really excited about some of the new designs and the great new components I have found to include in my designs.

I love making one of a kind items because I think they reflect my creative inspirations and moods on certain days. This year I have decided to try to work more towards having a few "ranges" throughout the year so that I can cement some of my ideas & designs more formally. Of course there will still be plenty of one off items as I have soooooo many bits and pieces that need to be used up but I feel as though more consistency is now required.

I'll let my hair down once and while when I work on those more extravagant competiton pieces but at the moment I'm getting organised, so stay tuned...

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